Become a sponsor now!

Sponsor Now!

Sponsorship:  The Gift of a Bright Future 

Through the gift of sponsorship, you will help to provide a child at risk with a safe home, a loving family, medical care, and education. These facilities directly benefit your child and are open to other families in the surrounding neighborhood. 

We are proud to share that 85% of your contributions go directly to benefit our work with children.  The majority, around 70%, of your sponsorship contributions directly benefit your child and his or her village.  5% of your monthly contributions may be used to help vulnerable children in other SOS Children’s Villages where the needs are great and 10% goes to providing necessary international oversight and evaluation of our programs.  The remaining 15% used for donor servicing and administration. 

Because raising a child is expensive, multiple sponsors support each child.  In addition to ensuring financial stability, your child’s life will be enriched by knowing that a number of friends worldwide care for them. 

SOS Children’s Villages:  Trusted Worldwide 

SOS Children’s Villages Ethiopia is the largest organization dedicated to children who have lost their parents and at risk of losing it. We have been caring for children since 1974 and respected by the government and child-serving organizations across the country. 

We believe that to build a more peaceful and equitable world, we must begin with the children.  Children who are happy, healthy and well educated today will change the world for the better in the future. With your support, we are one-step closer to providing a loving home for every child.   

Protecting the rights, dignity, and privacy of the children in our care is of paramount importance.  We ask that you protect your sponsored child by identifying them by their first name only in communications to your family and friends.  Please understand that we are unable to provide sensitive information such as your child’s religion or ethnic background.  You should also know that your identity is kept confidential from your sponsored child unless you choose to write to them. 

We take our donors’ trust very seriously and always strive to be responsible stewards of all donations.  SOS Children's Village Ethiopia is audited annually.   

For as little as 500 ETB

You will guarantee that a child who has already lost too much will start repairing their life in a caring and supportive atmosphere.

Your support will enable SOS Children’s Villages in  Ethiopia to provide a child in need with:

• The chance to grow up in a family

• A parent and siblings to care for them

• A secure home for the entirety of their childhood

• The chance to belong to a supportive community

• Access to healthcare, a quality education, and all

the opportunities that bring

SOS Children's Villages Family Sponsorship

Instead of sponsoring one child in a family, you can also sponsor the family as a whole

Click here to sponsor a family

SOS Children's Villages Village Sponsorship

For as little as 300 ETB per month, you can also choose to sponsor an SOS Children’s Village.

Click here to sponsor a village

Any questions? Frequently asked questions and answers can be found here 


A child sponsorship is a regular donation that benefits children and young people. It is used to provide maintenance, food, medical care and education for the children. As part of the sponsorship, you will regularly find out directly by post or email how the sponsored children you support are doing. You will also have access to information online in the sponsorship portal.

When taking on a sponsorship, you make a monthly contribution, which you can also pay quarterly, half-yearly or annually by direct debit, standing order, online banking or credit card.

You enable your sponsored child to grow up in a loving and safe environment in an SOS Children's Village.

They help to meet daily needs, provide medical care and also give the children the chance to complete education and vocational training that matches their talents.

Thanks to your support, we are able to promote the development of children in the best possible way and prepare them for a life of independence. In addition to the SOS Children's Village itself, we have additional SOS Children's Villages facilities such as SOS kindergartens, SOS Hermann Gmeiner schools, social and medical centres at our disposal, which enable holistic care and support and which are built if there is no appropriate infrastructure in the vicinity of the SOS Children's Village.

So that we can offer all children this wide range of opportunities and because sponsorships exist on a voluntary basis and can therefore be covered at any time, each village has several sponsors from different people. These ensure the upkeep of the SOS Children's Village, all other facilities at this location and the implementation of numerous other activities.

Our goal when awarding sponsorships is to award sponsorships in those SOS Children's Villages that have a particularly high financial need or still have few sponsors. In principle, however, you have the opportunity to announce your wishes regarding the selection of the sponsoring village when taking over the sponsorship. You can terminate your sponsorship at any time and without giving reasons, either orally or in writing.

Absolutely – Children love to receive letters and photos from their sponsors!  Included in this welcome kit, you will find the address where you can write to your child.  If you decide to do so, you may want to describe your everyday life, family, pets, or hobbies.  

While you are welcome to invite your child to write back, please understand that the ability to respond may be limited due to his or her age, education level, or competing activities or interests. 

Yes – In addition to your sponsorship contributions, you may send monetary gifts to celebrate special occasions.  These funds are held in a savings account until your child transitions to independent living.  At that time, your gift might help provide technical training or higher education, rent an apartment, start a small business, or purchase a home or land. 

Please include your sponsorship number to ensure that funds are forwarded appropriately. 

Yes – Our Villages welcome guests!  As in any household, our families have established routines and obligations.  To ensure a successful visit, please contact us at least a month in advance.  We will help coordinate arrangements with the village. 

Most young people become independent somewhere between 19 and 23 years of age, in accordance with both their individual development and the social and cultural norms of their community.  SOS Children’s Villages also works with local authorities to reunite children with their family of origin—if it is possible and in the child’s best interest.   

We will notify you immediately if your sponsored child leaves the care of SOS Children’s Villages.  At that time, you will have the opportunity to sponsor another vulnerable child, oftentimes within the same SOS Village, or discontinue your sponsorship.  

The sponsorship is a completely voluntary commitment. You can withdraw from the sponsorship, adjust, pause or cancel your amount at any time without giving reasons.

Do you have any questions about your sponsorship?

If you need further information about a spoorship, we will be happy to help you personally. Just give us a call or write to us:

Telephone: +251 907 22 23 33